Our sustainability strategy is powering positive change.

Our vision is to be the first choice for sustainable waste management: climate positive, and constantly evolving to deliver innovative and affordable solutions.

Our purpose is ensuring that there is no waste from waste.


By delivering negative emissions, we’ll play our vital role in helping the UK to achieve net zero

  • Get to net zero by 2040 or sooner 
  • Maximise the carbon benefit of our EfW process 

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Sustainability report

We’ll maximise waste potential whilst minimising our environmental impact

  • Continually improve our environmental performance 
  • Move materials up the waste hierarchy 

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Sustainability report

We’ll keep inspiring positive change in our business and communities

  • Put health, safety and well-being at the centre of our business 
  • Be an employer of choice 
  • Support a thriving local community 
  • Build a sustainable supply chain 

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Sustainability report

I pledge

to decarbonise our business and our communities’ waste by 2030. 

Dougie Sutherland
Chief Executive Officer


Our 2023 highlights

Net zero goals with bolder ambitions

315K carbon benefit

Delivered a carbon benefit of 315,000 tonnes of CO₂e to the UK

Carbon dioxide storage

Signed exclusive commercial agreement with Viking CCS Cluster for transportation and storage of our captured CO₂

1.4m tonne CCS project

Further progressed our decarbonisation project to capture 1.4 million tonnes a year of CO₂ from our Energy from Waste (EfW) facilities

Heat network partnership

Continued to progress delivery of the Riverside Heat Network with our delivery partner Vattenfall



Maximising potential, minimising impact

100K vehicle movements saved

Saved over 100,000 vehicle movements by moving 670,000 tonnes of waste on the River Thames

Gold award for environmental performance

Awarded gold level for outstanding environment performance from the Port of London Authority Thames Green Scheme

100% renewable diesel

Used 100% renewable diesel in our river operations

Progress on reducing air quality emissions

Continued trials to further reduce our NOx setpoint from Riverside 1

Inspiring people, enabling change

£201m of social value

Generated £201 million of social value to the UK beyond profit and income

Developed new reuse qualification

Developed new UK-wide qualification in reuse to help drive a more circular economy

164hrs mental health support

Trained 42 mental health first aiders across the business and provided 164 hours of counselling to our employees

£25,000 community fund

Supported six local community organisations with our £25,000 community fund

Cross-cutting achievements

476 GWh electricity exported

Exported 476 GWh of electricity, enough to power 176,000 homes

95/100 GRESB rating

Achieved the highest rating in the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark Infrastructure Asset Assessment, being awarded 5 stars and 95/100

Awarded Best Communication of Sustainability

Cory’s 2022 Sustainability Report won ‘Best Communication of Sustainability – Private Companies’ at the Investor Relations Society Best Practice Awards


Sustainability Report 2023

Download our 2023 Sustainability Report to explore how we're moving to net zero. 

Download PDF

Report archive

Date June 2024
Title GRI Content Index 2023
Document 29KB
Date May 2024
Title Annual Report 2023
Document 10,629KB
Date May 2024
Title Sustainability Report 2023
Document 10,136KB
Date January 2024
Title Gender Pay Gap Report 2022/23
Document 310KB